cassandra padgett coaching

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The Month of SELF Love

February is here, and the grocery stores are filled with heart-shaped candies and lots of lovey-dovey valentines, and my favorite color- pink! All of these things are fun, and I personally think v-day brings a fun break to the mid-winter blues, but this month I want you to think about SELF-love. 


How can you improve your self love? 

I personally believe every woman should spend a little extra time loving herself. Working, raising kids, making sure everyone else is taken care of and keeping your life running is exhausting. Unfortunately, women commonly let their own needs go unmet. Even if you have great self-confidence or a perfect body-image, you can always use more love, and I think self-care is something that can constantly be improved on. 

I have a few challenges for you to work on this month....

  • Write a love note to yourself and put it on your mirror, dash board, night stand or wherever you will see it. Make sure this is hand-written! It can be on a small note card or a long list of all the things that are great about you. I know you can think of at least 3 things ;) 

  • Buy yourself some flowers. Costco and Trader Joes have beautiful flowers for cheap, but it feels so luxurious to have your favorite fresh blooms in your home. Pick some up this month and put them where you will enjoy them every day. 
  • Pick up a little goodie for yourself! I love a good heart shaped candy, but this can be a new yoga mat, workout tank, water bottle, lunch box, leggings, headband... just a thoughtful little gift for YOU.  

That's it! 3 simple things just for you. It doesn't matter what your relationship status is or how you feel about Valentines Day- everyone can use a little more self love and self care. 


p.s. for a list of 20 ways to treat yourself for meeting goals, enter your email below! 

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