cassandra padgett coaching

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Getting honest about your health goals (what do YOU want?)

It’s January which means lots of us have health and fitness on the brain. We are told that we can easily “transform”.

We are told that we should be losing weight.

We are told we should be cutting food groups out of our diets.

We are told we should be doing intense workout routines.

Some of it might sound good. Some sounds appealing. Some sounds horrible (vegan diets and crossfit, I’m looking at you).

But I want to ask you… what do YOU want? What do you want for yourself? What do you expect from yourself? What does healthy look like to you?? What kind of healthy example do you want to be for your kids?

Do you even NEED to lose weight (and who is to say if you do)?? Do you WANT to exercise? Should you change your diet??

My goal this year is to help more women do what they want. I know for a fact everyone CAN improve their health in some way… but it’s up to YOU to decide what needs to be done. You are the expert on your own life.

[reminder: the author trying to sell diet books is NOT an expert on you]

I also know that when you are in survival mode, you shouldn’t be worrying about big health changes. You should be focusing on keeping your family life running and making sure you are eating and sleeping enough.

Sometimes you need to work on your mental health before you can focus on your physical health. Depression and anxiety can be debilitating. Don’t feel an ounce of guilt for putting your relationships, sleep, and mental health FIRST.

But sometimes you KNOW what you need to do (eat more veggies, drink more water, move your body) you just can’t figure out HOW to fit it into your life.

That’s where I come in. My goal as a coach is to help you fit healthier habits into your life without doing any major overhauls or transformations. Because I want you to be able to continue with your changes 3 months from now and 3 years from now. I want the changes to be so long lasting your kids grow up with a healthy mama who has a healthy relationship with food and shows them how to love her body.... so that THEY can grow up loving their bodies. 

To me, THAT is long lasting change.

Want to apply to work with me this year? Click here. 

Xo, Cassandra