cassandra padgett coaching

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One sneaky way you are sabotaging your weight loss success

The irony of life is the more we want to FORCE something….the less likely it is to happen.

[insert Alanis Morisette lyrics here]

What do I mean??


(did anyone else ever read those books???)

You either:

  1. Wake up every morning complaining about your body. Looking in the mirror, stepping on the scale, saying unkind words. Skipping meals, then ending up in the drive-through binging on fast-food that leaves you feeling bloated. More unkind words to your body. You have NO energy and mostly feel like shit. Then you take out your negative feelings on your family. Yikes.


  2.  you wake up every morning and thank your body for keeping you alive and breathing and able to get up and accomplish the things you need to do. You treat your body to a warm cup of tea and a delicious and healthy breakfast. You skip the painful workouts you used to force yourself through in favor of peaceful walks. You notice how energizing the fresh air is to your body. You eat regular meals throughout the day, never feeling STARVING and always stop before you feel too stuffed. You know your “baby weight” isn’t keeping you from accomplishing anything (except maybe fitting in your old jeans, but just BUY SOME NEW ONES).

With a few extra pounds on your body, you can do your job.

You can be an amazing mother. Heck, you ARE an amazing mother.

You can have great sex.

You can be a great partner. You can be a great friend.

But if you aren't happy in your body now, I have sad news for you... you will find something to hate even at your #goalweight. You gotta start with LOVE now, or you'll yo-yo diet yourself into oblivion.

You don’t need to force your body into ANY shape. And even if you DO want to change your habits or get better at running or lose a few lbs or whatever….

Being kind to yourself will make it EASIER!  #ironic #thanksAlanis

So which would you prefer???

Forcing is not the answer. A diet is not the answer. A sexy celery juice is not the answer. Keto is not the fu***ing anwer. LOVING YOUR BODY NOW IS THE ANSWER (but don't expect it to happen instantaneiously. It's a process).

And guess what.

YOU have all the answers inside of you. Close your eyes. Put your hand on your chest. Take 5 deep breaths. What does YOUR body need from YOU right now??

Need help transforming how you think about food and your body?? Get your free copy of my ANTI-DIET METHOD printables.

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