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5 habits for postpartum moms: mind + body health

The postpartum period is a stressful blur. While I 100% support listening to your body, sometimes we also need to remember to CHECK-IN with our bodies… because when we are so busy focusing on baby, sometimes we don’t hear our bodies until they are screaming at us.

And while I say these are “simple” habits… I know they can feel anything but simple when you’re in pain, exhausted, and holding a crying baby. Do what you can, and remember, this isn’t permanent. Your body is recovering and repairing itself, so don’t forget to tune into your needs too.

With all that in mind, here are 5 habits for mind + body health for the early postpartum weeks.

  1. Stay hydrated. Keeping a water bottle full and next to you at all times is important! I like to have a few around the house (especially in my room, and in various nursing spots). Staying hydrated is especially important if you’re nursing! I like to enlist the help of my husband on this one. He keeps the water bottles topped off and refills with ice as needed.

    Drinking water seems like a no-brainer but can be hard to remember when you’re exhausted. I’m prone to headaches when I don’t get enough water- another example of waiting until your body is yelling at you to listen!

  2. Go outside. Getting some fresh air is good for the soul. Whether you are sitting at a park or taking a stroll, you will feel better with a little fresh air. It’s also helpful for babies to get sunlight to help them regulate their circadian rhythms. Make a point to go outside everyday. You will be surprised at how good it feels!

  3. A LONG shower. Bathing is obviously necessary, but again, can be put on the back burner when you’re in survival mode. Have your partner take the baby (even for a drive or a walk, so you can REALLY relax), and take a long shower. Put on some music, burn a candle, have a cry if you need to, wash your hair, and come out feeling a little more like yourself.

  4. At least one really nourishing meal a day. Again, I totally get that sometimes it’s just minute by minute when you are taking care of your family. I like having a protein shake in the morning with greens and peanut butter to make it extra filling. Salads are great, as are hearty sandwiches. Make sure you’re getting a meal with plenty of protein, fat, and fiber. This will keep you satisfied, provide plenty of calories, and give your body the necessary energy it needs. I know it’s easy to snack on bars all day. If you don’t have time or don’t want to cook, order some rotisserie chicken and a bag of salad mix on instacart for a super quick meal.

  5. Get out of your own head. In the early postpartum months, invasive thoughts can start to take over. “Why does my baby cry so much?”, “Will this get easier?”, “Am I doing this right?”.

    Get out of your head by talking to another mom, speaking with a therapist, journaling your thoughts, talking to your partner, or even just pop in a podcast to divert your focus. I love the podcast Atomic Moms and recommend it to moms all the time!

Remember: this is a phase. You will feel like yourself again. You will be able to sleep again. You will be able to work out and have energy again. Don’t forget to focus on YOUR needs too! If at any point you think something isn’t “right”, you’re experiencing pain, or you feel like you may be suffering from postpartum anxiety or depression, please reach out to your healthcare team. A healthy mom, is a healthy baby.

Follow along on Instagram for more health, nutrition, and self-care tips for moms.

p.s. if you feel the urge to do a quick cleanse or strict diet to drop a few lbs please DON’T! In my free ebook I share a way to find balance while listening to your body. if you’re Interested, gram the ebook below!

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