cassandra padgett coaching

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3 habits to kick start weight loss

Starting new habits can sometimes feel overwhelming. By focusing on small activities you can do each day, you can build momentum to kickstart weight loss (and keep it off!) Most diet attempts don’t work because people generally get overly restrictive in terms of diet and are unable to maintain such a strict eating pattern.

The secret to building habits into your life is choosing things that you don’t mind doing. This doesn’t mean it will always be enjoyable, but it’s much easier to do a workout or eat nutritious food consistently if you LIKE it!

1. Rather than focus on cutting out food groups or eating tiny portions, focusing on using hunger and fullness cues and stopping at 80% full can help to curb overeating. Use the hunger scale below to help you to know when you’re hungry or full.

2. MOVE. A recent study found that people who were able to maintain weight loss got more movement in throughout the day than people who lost weight, then gained it back. This means making a point of getting up and walking. If you find that most of your day is spent sitting, make it a point to schedule in movement breaks. This can be a walk break, a circuit like a few jumping jacks, high knees, and squats, or a quick 10-min youtube workout.

3. PROTEIN. Protein is the most satiating macronutrient. This means having a higher protein diet can keep you satisfied (aka not craving/snacking all day). Protein sources include things like greek yogurt, cottage cheese eggs/egg whites, meat, tofu, deli meat, protein drinks/bars, edamame, lentils, etc. Aim for 30g of protein at each meal.

If you need help building nutrition habits into your life, be sure and download my free ebook: how to stop dieting and still lose weight

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