cassandra padgett coaching

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The #1 skill required for weight loss (that most people ignore)

The #1 skill required for weight loss (that most people ignore)

If you’re used to following diets or programs, you’re probably pretty tuned into what to eat, how much, and how often.

But what most programs fail to tell you is that you can actually re-learn to trust your own hunger and fullness cues. And these cues are KEY for losing weight without being a slave to your calorie tracker.

I’ve been there. Tracking every morsel, shoving a spinach salad down, and weighing each component of my next meal. SO out of tune with my own body. Was I hungry? Starving? Stuffed? Couldn’t tell you.

The only time I knew was when I was so stuffed, I would purge.

Now? I of course eat balanced meals, but most importantly… I follow my own hunger cues. Here’s how.

How to use the hunger scale:

  1. Allow yourself to get hungry before you next meal. Pause and notice— what does that feel like in your body? Is it an emotional feeling? A physical feeling? What does your stomach feel like?

  2. Avoid getting too hungry. This leads to overeating (and feeling sick).

  3. Eat slowly without distractions. Sit down and really focus on what you’re eating. Eating while watching tv, scrolling social media, or trying to send an email means you won’t actually be satisfied by the food you’re eating.

  4. Aim for most meals to be balanced. I call this the PFF (protein-fat-fiber) method. Download my free ebook to learn how to combine the hunger scale with balanced meals for optimal success with overcoming emotional eating + actually lose weight in a balanced way.