Year one of motherhood: what I know now and what I wish I knew before I became a Mama

In honor of my precious girl’s first bday, I’m talking year one of motherhood. I’m sure every mom has the same feeling, but holy crap the time has gone so fast. I look back and while, in the moment some months seemed to drag on (I’m looking at you, 4 month sleep regression), it really is a huge whirlwind of ALL THE FEELINGS. So today I will share a few things I’ve learned ...because really, there are too many to count... and a few things I wish I knew before my precious Elle was born.

What I've learned my first year as a mama... and what I wish I knew a year ago

Lessons Learned

  • Things don’t go as planned. I remember specifically when Elle was about a month old and I was taking a trip with she and my mom back to my family’s house in San Diego...I was trying to make a plan in my head of where we could stop on the way and how often we should stop so I could nurse, and I realized WTF am I thinking. She’s going to tell me when she needs to stop to eat or needs a diaper change. It doesn’t matter when I “think we should”. SO JUST STOP WORRYING ABOUT IT. Yes, I’m a huge planner, but the best thing I’ve done is realized that sometimes I just need to let it go. Elle is in charge now lol.
  •  Sleep Deprivation is real and it’s ugly. OMG. We went through phases where Elle would sleep great, and then she would be up and down allll night. And omg I did not anticipate the gnarly effect sleep deprivation would have on my body. I feel like I aged a good 5 years, plus lack of sleep totally contributed to more headaches along with all the other things like feeling like I’m stuck in a fog and need to sleep for a week straight. One year later, and she’s sleeping much better now (knock on wood) but seriously. It was rough there for a while. Even though I read many books and articles about sleep training, I somehow failed to account for the fact that this little babe is a HUMAN who won't just sleep because I give her the right environment, etc. She has needs, and feelings, and sometimes just doesn't know what she wants. Just like me. 
  • Babies make marriage complicated. My husband and I were married for 5 years before Elle was born. When I was pregnant I kept reading that pregnancy made marriage hard, and I honestly felt closer and more connected than ever to my husband. But after the baby was born. Wow. It was hard. My husband was on crutches the first month of Elle’s life (long story), he helped as much as he could, but because of that combined with me breastfeeding Elle 24/7 (not really, but it felt like it), he just didn’t have the opportunity to get used to everything as quickly. I think it’s normal that mom’s just figure it out out of necessity, but sometimes it’s just harder at first for dads. They don’t necessarily have that immediate bond that mamas and their babies do. It’s complicated for sure, and it took us months to find our groove as a family. My husband absolutely loves being a dad and helping me as much as possible, and I finally realized that more communication is ESSENTIAL when caring for a new member of the family in addition to juggling the same old responsibilities. 


What I've learned since becoming a mama, and what I wish I new before my daughter was born

What I wish I knew before she was born….

  • Trust yourself. Yes it is all new and it’s a complete shock, but trust in your mama instincts. You will have them and they will be strong. There are a million parenting books, not because you need to be told what to do, but because everyone has their unique approach depending on their own personality and what meets the needs of their family.

  • Do what it takes to feel like yourself. I truly felt so connected and in love with my pregnant body, but man the postpartum time is rough. I had to learn that it’s all part of the beautiful journey of motherhood, and while my clothes didn’t fit for a while (months), I  had to do things to make me feel like my old self. Even just showering and blowing out my hair while the baby napped worked wonders. Do what works for YOU and your family! If you love quiet time or girl's night out, or jogging alone.... carve out a little bit of time each week to recharge. 

  • Ask for help. The best thing I did for myself as a new mom was admit that the anxiety I was feeling wasn’t normal, and ask for some medical help. Read all about that here. If you need help, ask. If you need a babysitter or a therapist or depression medication or just 30 minute of ALONE time, ask. Because you are a better mama when you take time for yourself.

I could go on and on. It’s only been 12 months. 52 short weeks. My journey has just begun and I feel so blessed and lucky to be a mama. Please share your best lessons in motherhood with me! Comment below, or connect with me on social media. While each journey is different, I feel like I’ve learned so much from other amazing women. We can all use a little support. 

What I learned my first year of motherhood, and what I wish I knew a year ago

Happy birthday my beautiful Elle.

How to make your workout clothes last

Whether you spend a pretty penny on leggings at Lululemon or you live for the cute/inexpensive workout wear at Old Navy (or you love a little of both, like me), I'm guessing you probably want to keep your gym clothes in good shape. Here are 6 tips to keep your gym clothes from falling apart (and smelling fresh) for the long haul. I've been using most of these tips for years, and honestly my gym clothes have held up so well! I have crops I've worn weekly for YEARS and they still look great. I definitely attribute that to buying good quality clothes, but taking care of them helps too. 


  1. No fabric softener. Use laundry detergent only! Fabric softener isn't good for the sweat wicking fabrics. 
  2. Hang Dry. I hang dry all of my workout clothes (aside from cotton tanks). I have a drying rack from target like this one. I got this tip from someone who works at Lulu. It will definitely make your clothes last longer if they aren't going in the dryer!
  3. Re-wear. For things like jackets and leggings, I will often wear them 2-3 times before washing. Unless, I get sweaty of course! But if I'm just wearing a pair of leggings to walk the dog, I will definitely re-wear.
  4. What about shoes? I will throw my nikes in the wash when they start looking grubby. Put them in the wash with a tiny bit of detergent and a small towel (like a hand towel- this helps them get clean on the outside) and then air dry. They look as good as new!
  5. When things get smelly.... The problem with a lot of wicking materials is they holds on to smells more than fabrics like cotton... use a "scent booster" like these tabs from downey if things start getting funky. You can also use vinegar in your laundry to help deodorize. 
  6. Be gentle. Use gentle detergent. Dyes and perfumes can cause wear on the fabric over time. Luckily dye-free and perfume-free detergents are widely available these days. Store brands have them, and of course companies like Method and The Honest Company have them as well. 

Let me know if you have any tips for keeping your gym clothes in tip-top shape! 

The Best Youtube Channels and Apps for Home Workouts

I've put together a list of some of the best fitness youtube channels and apps to help you get in shape at home (or wherever)! In to yoga? Zumba? 10 minute workouts? There is a little something for everyone here. 

I love youube workouts if I need an added dose of motivation (it's like having an instructor with you). It's also great to have a live example so you can really see how a movement is done (and you can check your form!). 

Youtube Channels

Yoga with Adriene: I love this channel! She has short workouts, more intense sequences, 20 day challenges, yoga for stress or relaxation....a little yoga for everyone. 

Popsugar Fitness: A ton of different cardio workouts as well as beginning strength training and shorter ab specific workouts. 

Blogilates: The cute Cassie is an upbeat instructor and she has videos for body-specific workouts, high intensity workouts, as well as a stretching series. 

BeFit: Everything from 10 minute workouts to yoga and longer HIIT workouts. 

The Live Fit Girl: She uses basic equipment (like most of the things in this post) for killer pilates workouts. 

Health & Fitness Apps

Sworkit: all types of workouts that you can do anywhere. They have stretching, yoga, cardio, and strength workouts and include videos so you can follow along. 

Couch 2 5k: This popular program helps prep you for a 5k starting from square 1! 30 minutes per day, 3 days a week for just 8 weeks and you will be running your first 5k! 

Pocket Yoga: take your yoga practice anywhere. 

Headspace: Not a workout app, but great for your health! Headspace helps you learn to calm your mind and meditate in a super simple way. 

Nike Training Club: NTC is one of the OG fitness apps. It has a ton of different workouts created by trainers with a timer and video all in one. 

Interested in nutrition tips that go with your busy lifestyle?? Download your FREE healthy mama toolkit below! 

healthy-mama-toolkit (2).png

10 ways to make time for fitness as a new mom (plus five FREE workouts you can do anywhere)

When I was pregnant I thought to myself, oh as soon as I get the okay from my doctor at my 6 week check, I will be back to working out. LOL. Even though I was pretty fit throughout my pregnancy, and very fit before I got pregnant, it took me months to get back to working out. And honestly, looking back I probably wouldn't change anything. I spent my time with my daughter and husband, and in my down time I took care of other things or I slept. Oh I also started this business haha.

disclaimer: remember to listen to your body. If you need sleep, then sleep. If you feel up to moving then get moving! Exercise is meant to make your body feel good. 

making time for fitness

Eventually I started to crave working out again. I missed the alone time. I missed the endorphin high. I missed taking care of my body and feeling confident in my skin. I remembered how much I NEEDED those endorphins to feel good (see this post for my postpartum anxiety story). Working out seriously helps my anxiety. 

I know that being a mom is tough and everyone is juggling a million things at once. But when you think about it, your family kind of depends on you to run, right? That means you need to be functioning right for everything else to run smoothly! Do you ever have those days where you are just lagging and everything seems to fall through the cracks. You don't feel your best, and everything else is suffering? When you are feeling 100% you can give 100%.  You deserve to take care of yourself so you can better take care of everything else.

You know your health is important right? Without your health, none of that other stuff will get done. You owe it to yourself to spend a little while each day doing something for YOU! 


10 tips to help a busy mom fit in exercise

  • Three 10 minute bursts can be as effective as a longer workout. Don’t be afraid to fit in small workouts when and where you can- even a quick workout in your baby's room while they play, in the backyard, or at the park- get creative and do what you do best- multitask ;) 
  • Walking counts! Walking is one of the best exercises you can do- it’s a double win if you are walking your dog or pushing a stroller (or both). Head to the park and the whole family will be happy

  • When the babies are sleeping…. Getting up before the kids wake up, using nap time, or bedtime to exercise. (But if you are over tired/ exhausted then SLEEP mama.) Keep in mind that spending a few minutes exercising actually increases your energy levels. Don't believe me? Try it!  

  • Slow progress beats an all or nothing mindset. Start slow. This week do one workout, next week do 2 workouts, add in a little walking...healthy lifestyle change is all about slow changes. Going all out cardio bunny- crossfitter- gym queen will just burn you out! Think of it this way...if your child was learning a new skill or habit, you would never expect them to have it right on the first try let alone be perfect. Give yourself the same grace. You are learning how to balance this crazy #momlife! 

  • Accountability...friends, workout classes, or a coach are great ways to keep you motivated and doing what you promised you would. It's way easier to flake on yourself than your friends! (p.s. I just started offering 90  minute and 4 week coaching sessions, in addition to my standard 12 week package. Let me know if I can help you!)

  • A fitness tracker. I love my fitbit! It helped me stay active during the cold winter (read about that here). Compete with others or do challenges yourself. Set a goal and work toward it each day. I never would have imagined how much my fitbit would motivate me to MOVE. 

  • Use your baby as part of the workout! Put the baby in a seat in front of you and let them watch. Sing to them, do jumping jacks, squat jumps, etc. to entertain them, give them a smooch during push ups and burpees, etc. If your little one is older, get them involved. Use the attached body workout and let your child choose the number of reps, use a dice to mean different exercises, etc. Just get them involved and it will be easier for everyone ;) If you're little one can't stand to be put down, put them in a wrap or front back and go for a walk or hike or use the added weight to make your squats and lunges a little tougher! 

  • Fit4Mom- I recently joined stroller strides to get in a fun workout and meet other moms. They have more intense programs too (body back, etc.) I highly recommend it- check to see if this program is available in your area! 

  • Body weight workouts at home. Check out this post for a few ideas for home workout equipment. If you don't have time to hit the gym, you can still get a good workout at home! 

  • Two words. Gym Childcare. If you need some alone time- go do a workout then go stretch and enjoy some blissful silence for a few minutes (until someone comes to fetch you to change a poopy 

And of course, changing habits is easier said than done, but I firmly believe  we can all spare 20 minutes here or there for a quick burst of endorphins. You deserve to feel good in your skin, mama. 


And to make things easier, I planned out your workouts for the week! Click below to download 5 FREE bodyweight workouts. (if you have any questions about the movements, just type them into youtube!)

Bodyweight Workout

I’m a BIG fan of bodyweight workouts these days. I am not currently working out at a gym, so my workouts include  things like spin bike workouts, walks, body weight circuits, yoga, stroller strides, etc. and with bodyweight workouts you get a lot of bang for your buck. Strength + cardio in 30 minutes or less. Boom. These are also a great option if you are on vacation, you just can't make it to the gym, etc. 

There are a ton of body weight workouts online. If you plan on going this route (which again, I highly suggest), be aware of any injuries you may have. Bodyweight workouts tend to include lots of squats and jumping, so be careful if your knees are bad! In addition to injuries, be aware of how your body has healed after child birth. It's normal to feel like your abs are weak or you hips are out of whack, etc. Make sure you have the okay from a doctor before starting to workout again! 

Also- If you can only do a couple per week, then it’s no big deal if they are full body workouts (like the one below). However, if you plan on doing a bodyweight workout 3+ times  per week, then split up upper and lower body workouts so your muscles have time to rest and repair before working it again.

Here’s one of my favorite full body workouts.

20 Squats
1 minute Plank
35 Jumping jacks
10 Lunges -each leg (to take it to the next level do jumping junges)
10 Tricep dips (do this on a stable chair with your feet on the floor- video example here)
35 Mountain climbers

Repeat 3-5 times and cool down!