Home Gym Equipment for Every Budget

Since my daughter was born I've been working out at home, and I've surprisingly grown to love it. I just can't beat the convenience and it is definitely possible to get a great sweat in at home. 

Below I’ve shared equipment for all budgets to create your own set of home gym gear. I've set it up so that you can start with the first items and slowly build up a nice little set up. All of it is pretty compact, so you don't need a lot of space. I also went through the products that were a middle range price and had excellent reviews on amazon, but most of these items you can get anywhere. 

Stick to the basics!

There are soooo many gimmicky products available for home workouts. Don’t waste your money on items that serve only one purpose! I stick with the basics here and suggest using items that are good for multiple exercises. Next week I’ll be sharing a ton of exercises you can do with this equipment.

I start with a mat. It's an essential for everyone because with it you can workout anywhere. You can take it outside and get a workout while your kids are playing or workout in any room of the house without sliding around. There are mats at all price points, but I would avoid buying a super cheap ones because they fall apart and don’t keep you in place! If you are doing something like hot yoga however, you definitely want to invest in a higher end product to keep you from slipping. 

Workout bands. These up the ante from simply doing bodyweight workouts and give you a good resistance workout without needing free weights. There are exercises you can do for each body part with bands…. A lot of bang for your buck! From there you can move on to weights (medicine ball, kettle bells, and dumbbells) using whichever you like most. 

(*note: the prices I have listed may be different than on the amazon link because they are for a different weight. Product prices will vary by size, weight, etc.) 

Budget: $100

for $100 you can get quite a nice setup for home workouts.

[Yoga mat and bands plus the following]

Stability  ball ($22)      
Medicine ball

Total: $91

Budget: Less than $50

Yoga mat ($20)    
Resistance bands
Resistance tubes

total: approx $44

(give or take a few dollars depending on where you buy the items) 

Add some weight...once you have the basics, I highly recommend adding weight to your workouts. Adding muscle mass is great for the metabolism and gives that lean mean mom machine look ;)  

Budget: $500 

(all items listed above)

Spin bike  ($250)

I have this and I LOVE it. It's available on amazon prime, so you don't have to pay anything for shipping. For the price, the quality it great. There are a TON of great reviews, so you don't have to take my word for it. Also, most cardio equipment is anywhere from $500 - $1500+ so this is a great deal!

Budget: $250

(all products listed above as well as the following)

Kettle Bell ($17)      

Set of dumbbells (approx $100)  2 different weights (anywhere from 8 to 20 lbs- do not buy weights less than 8 lbs) Just FYI most places online sell each dumbbell individually, so make sure you order a set! 


Of course, as I mentioned before- the prices for different weighted items will vary. If you are brand new at using weights I'd start with 8-15 lb and then go up from there! **one more tip** Another option for inexpensive gear would be to check out your local craigslist type site... people are often selling gently used workout equipment. 

If you want a free checklist including all items I listed, click below!

Let me know what your favorite home workouts are! The rest of this month will be dedicated to fitness, so be sure to check back for  at home workout ideas!

home gym equipment for the busy mom! workout at home with minimal equipment. lose postpartum weight by working out at home.

Avoiding the 'perfect timing' mindset + 10 ways to take action today

One of the top excuses people have for avoiding setting health or fitness goals is waiting for the right time. I hate to break it to you... there is no perfect time for anything. There will always be an upcoming holiday, vacation, party, or event. There will always be stressors, whether from work, kids, family or relationships. Life is never perfect and there is NO point in waiting to start improving your health habits. 

I teach my clients to adopt a balanced lifestyle rather than go from feeling restricted to “free/cheating” for a special event -- essentially I teach them to avoid the all or nothing mentality.

Once you are in the habit of eating healthy, a special birthday dinner or a night out or even a vacation won’t be a big, guilt-inducing ordeal to come back from. The mind is a funny thing. Without the feeling of restriction, we don’t have the urge to go “crazy” or rebel.

Have you ever told yourself you couldn’t eat or drink something? What happened? I bet within a few days, you were DYING to have it, even though it hadn’t really been that big of a deal before.

So what should you do if you want to change a habit, but you have a vacation coming up? Figure out exactly what change you are trying to make (you can use my free goal-setting worksheets or my Weekend Wellness Guide if you need help setting goals) and then JUST START and do what you can where you're at right NOW. 

10 tips to improve your health today

here are 10 simple ways you can improve your health starting today:

  • drink one extra glass (or bottle) of water today
  • take a 15 minute walk 
  • eat an extra fruit or veggie
  • meditate for 5 minutes 
  • go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual 
  • read a book before bed instead of scrolling your phone 
  • call or text a friend you haven't spoken to in a while 
  • write down three things you are thankful for 
  • pack your lunch instead of going out 
  • plan your workouts for the week 

And as usual, I recommend starting with ONE thing. One action. One habit. Just start simple. 

Don’t forget if you need help with goal-setting, check out my ebook or free version here. If you are ready to take your health and fitness to the next level, check out my coaching package here. Registration just opened and I am now taking clients! 

p.s. If you need help with keeping healthy habits when going out on the weekend, check out this post.

if meal planning is a pain point for you, be sure to download my free healthy menu + grocery list! 

Workout shoes perfect for spring

I was searching for some new running shoes online, and I could not stop obsessing over allll the cute workout shoes that are out right now! I used to be more of a neon girl, but these greys and pinks are calling my name and I kind of want all of them. Check them out!


{just FYI some affiliate links used}

1. Nike Free Flyknit   2. Nike  3. Adidas Gazelle  4. Adidas Sneaker  5. Nike Juvenate  6. Nike Free  7. Nike Juvenate 

My Favorite Podcasts: on #momlife, relationships & productivity

I love a wide variety of podcasts! Here are my top picks, in no particular order.


  • Atomic Moms: "A modern parenting podcast". Host Ellie is funny and does such great interviews with a wide variety of women. As a new mom, I love hearing about other people’s approach to parenting and her guests always leave me feeling inspired. Her nonjudgemental approach to motherhood is a breath of fresh air! 
  • Sorta Awesome: Host Megan has 3 alternating co-hosts who are all cute and quirky in their own way. I followed co-host Laura’s blog (The Hollywood Housewife) for years, so I especially love hearing from her. These ladies discuss everything from fashion and beauty to relationships and entertainment.
  • One Extraordinary Marriage. Hosts/ husband and wife Tony and Alisa are funny and matter of fact about relationship hardships, sex, love, and commitment. They've been married for 20+ years and Alisa is a relationship coach, so they really knows their stuff. 
  • The Chalene Show. I think this was the first podcast I started listening to. You may know Chalene as creator of the workout Pi-Yo, but on her podcast she talks about fitness, motivation, relationships, parenting,organization, and nutrition. She is funny and smart and her personality makes me want to be BFFs with her. I also follow her on snapchat because I love her so much!!
  • Let it Out with Katie Dalebout. Formerly the Wellness Wonderland, Katie interviews guests from all over the health and wellness spectrum. 


A few more favorites : Serial season one (and I hear S-town from the same creators is excellent), The Goal Digger Podcast with Jenna Kutcher (she's adorable), Radiolab, The Balanced Blonde Soul on Fire, and Smartest Person in the Room! 

What are your favorite podcasts?? Let me know! You can always reach me here, or @vivfitcoach on ig, twitter, or facebook. 

fit fashion: spring has sprung

As I mentioned the other day, new workout gear is a great way to stay motivated and the changing of seasons is the perfect time for a little wardrobe update! I pretty much live in comfy loungewear now that I'm staying home with my daughter. It's super easy to go from walking the dog to playing to running errands and then working during nap time. I like to look put together though (aka no ratty sweats) because it makes me feel better. I would LOVE for any of these items to show up in my closet, and I'm particularly obsessed with the marble s'well water bottle!!



1. S'well water bottle at nordstrom or amazon 
2. Jcrew x New Balance hoodie
3. Striped Tank
4. GapFit mesh front sports bra
5. Pink tank
6. Nike shoes
7. Zella high waisted leggings (my favorite!!!)
8. Pink long sleeve tee (super cute back) 
9. Adidas sneaker

Happy shopping! Have a great weekend. 


p.s. in case you missed it, it's not to late to get your workbook preview/ get on the list for my WEEKEND WELLNESS WORKBOOK. It's a self-coaching guide that gives you all my goal setting tips without paying the price for one-on-one coaching. Click below for more info.